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Circuit Breaker Lockouts

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Universal circuit Breaker lockout is a versatile device fits on wide range of single, double, triple and four pole of electrical circuit breaker can be accommodates up to one lock and with the help of hasp lockout device can be used for group isolation. 
Material – High quality ABS KRM  Universal Circuit Breaker Lockouts will lockout most type of breaker’s lever. One size fits in all type of circuit breakers having nose Or without nose for better gripping which is UV resistant and suitable for single, double, tripe and four pole circuit breaker can be locked with single padlock and lockout hasp.Color – Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Or any color make as per  the required quantity.Size – length 56 mm, width 26 mm, thickness 19 mm, outer Thickness at locking end 11 mm, locking Hole diameter 9 mm, average Centre internal Grip 13.5 m

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